Who we are

We are a vibrant and dynamic law firm from Bucharest consisting of experienced litigators and consultants that tackle complex legal issues with emphasis on technical law areas. With a continuous drive to problem solving, we believe that our unified efforts and beating heart of creativity will provide our clients with a trustworthy partner for their business.


We listen, we analyze, we act.
We put ethics, innovation and team spirit as our core values.
Dispute Resolution
Dispute Resolution
Aviation & Aerospace
Aviation & Aerospace
New and Emerging Technologies
New and Emerging Technologies



Business Law
Business Law
Real estate
Real estate
Healthcare & Medical Services
Healthcare & Medical Services
Media & Entertainment
Media & Entertainment
Reputation Protection
Reputation Protection
Construction & Urbanism
Construction & Urbanism
Energy & Natural Resources
Energy & Natural Resources
Competition & State Aid
Competition & State Aid
Criminal Defense
Criminal Defense


Denyze Camen
assistant manager

My aspiring and cooperative nature paved the way for me to start working in a law firm back in 2014. As an ambitious person, I especially appreciate people’s work ethics, the commitment they show to their own professional purpose, hence I surround myself with people that always choose quality over quantity.

LikesSpring, chillout music, Mother`s Day

DislikesPessimism, dust and spicy food

Interesting factI am half Turkish, but I have never been to Turkey yet

Speak to me aboutDay-to-day office operations

Laura Mihăilă

In my young quest for a profession, I found out that my well-organized and detail-oriented character is just what I need to become a lawyer. A law degree later and with a ‘badge’ for being a challenge seeker, I am a young litigator in this team ready to untangle every legal matter.

LikesHiking, reading, coffee


Interesting factI volunteered most of my academic life

Speak to me aboutDispute resolution, regulatory legal services

Andra Popa
office manager

Following my studies in Economics, I started working with lawyers and haven’t looked back since. I am a planner, a maker, and a real go-getter, so I really fit in this team. I love being in the middle of things, putting my brain to work. My job is to ensure streamlined office communication and collaboration focusing on administration, budgets and event logistics.

LikesDogs, baking, cheese and laughing

DislikesUntidiness, dishonesty, pineapple on pizza

Interesting factI am a black belt in Karate

Speak to me aboutEverything, except the topics you should have only with a lawyer

Ioana Anghel

I discovered that I am fit for this profession in my second year of studies when I started working in a law firm and since then I have committed myself to becoming a litigation lawyer that makes a difference. One of my strengths is guiding young lawyers to become better professionals, as I am a people-oriented person.

LikesMusic festivals, board games, chocolate

DislikesCold and zucchinis

Interesting factI was this close to becoming a math teacher

Speak to me aboutAviation law, dispute resolution, competition & state aid, construction & urbanism

Mădălina Rogin
senior associate

After I had successfully graduated with a law degree (Captain Obvious here) at the University of Bucharest, I went on to get my master`s diploma in Judicial Career. It seemed only natural to start my career alongside a team that I already knew, having completed an internship with them while I was a student.

LikesTravelling and good coffee, even better if they are combined

DislikesDark chocolate and pasta but other than that I am pretty normal

Interesting factI enjoy making the most out of my free time and this is the reason why I do volunteer work.

Speak to me aboutDispute resolution, healthcare & medical services, regulatory legal services, media & entertainment

Mihai Furtună
managing partner

I have been a lawyer since 1999 and during all this time I have dealt with a great array of legal matters for legal and natural persons, focusing on both litigation and advisory services. I truly believe that this legal profession can only be carried out in a team, so Minds Together was the obvious outcome.

LikesTrails of my secret Greek island, Pink Floyd

DislikesMoody people

Interesting factI had the honor of serving a true King

Speak to me aboutDispute resolution strategies, technical law areas, reputation protection, legal design


56 Dionisie Lupu, 1st floor
District 1, 010458, Bucharest
tel • fax +031 425 67 49

general enquiries[email protected]